Kamal Nayan Bagla

Overall in-charge
Kamal Nayan Bagla was born and brought up in Kolkata. A student of St. Xaviers, Kolkata, Kamal was always encouraged by his father to get engage in charitable works. Thus he has always been engaged with various organizations in Bengal including Banwasi Seva Ashram where he served for a long time. He joined Sahaj Marg, a meditation programme in Kolkata which also gave him the push to get fully engaged in the social activities. After the marriage of his third daughter, along with his wife, he decided to be involved in social activities completely. When Vishal Tulsiyan told him about Abhiyan Bharat, he immediately left his cozy job as an AGM of a steel factory and shifted his base to Jaipur,
Rajasthan. He is responsible for the all the field activities.


HR (Human Resource) & Alumni Manager at ABF
Her Responsibilities as HR are planning, recruiting, selection, induction, training, developing of our most important resource teachers. She is also responsible for collecting and keeping all kinds of employment records, Rewards and Recognition plan and provide updated Teachers/student and parent Handbook.
As Alumni Manager: one of our key focus areas is to ensure that youth that passes out of our school stays in good hands. For that her role is to find right schools for our pass out students at much reduced fee. Sign MOU with the schools, prepare ISP of each student, arrange coach for evening coaching classes in ABF premises with internet access, library, attend PTM, identify and provide the names of skill development centers for the students and their siblings who want to work, find out Nasha Mukhti Kendra centers for the parents.

अर्जुन मूलचन्दानी

योग शिक्षक, स्वयंसेवक
अर्जुन जी अभियान भारत फ़ाउंडेशन मे स्वयंसेवक के रूप मे कार्यरत है| योग क्रिया द्वारा वे अभियान( भारत ) फ़ाउंडेशन मे नई क्रांति लाने के लिए संकल्पबद्ध है| उनके अनुसार योग का अर्थ है जोड़ना तथा मिलना| योग एक जीवन दर्शन व आत्मअनुशासन है| योग जीवन पद्धति है| योग आत्मोंउपचार एवं आत्मदर्शन की श्रेष्ठ आध्यात्मिक विद्या है योग व्यक्ति तत्व को वामन (लघु) से विराट बनाने की या समग्र रूप से स्वंय को रूपांतरित व विकास करने की आध्यात्मिक विद्या है| योग मात्र एक वैकल्पिक चिकित्सा पद्धति ही नहीं अपितु योग का पारिणामों पर आधारित एक ऐसा प्रमाण है जो व्याधि को निर्मूल करता है|अर्जुन जी अष्टांग योग का प्रयोग करते है जिसके आठ अंग है- यम,नियम,आसन, प्राणायाम, धारणा,ध्यान,समाधि |प्राणायाम की मुख्य आठ प्रक्रियाएं है जिनका प्रयोग अर्जुन जी विध्यार्थियों को नियमित रूप से करवाते है जैसे भस्त्रिका प्राणायाम, कपालभाति, बाह्य प्राणायाम उज्जायी प्राणायाम, अनुलोम- विलोम, भ्रामरी, उद्रगीत व प्रमन प्राणायाम|नियमित रूप से हमे इन आसनो का प्रयोग करके अपने आप को स्वस्थ व निरोगी बनाना चाहिए|

Mr.Bharat Sharma

Sharda Vidya Bhavan

Mr.Bharat Sharma is working in the field of education for the last three decades. He has done M.Sc (Math) from Agra University,Agra.
and M.Phil (Math) from The Global Open University, Nagaland.
For the last 17 years, he has smoothly managed various schools, management, and academic work. He has worked in various educational institutions and academies in Agra, Kakinada (AP), and Ajmer. He is a lifetime member of the Association of Mathematics Teachers of India, Chennai.
Presently, he’s associated with the”Abhiyan (Bharat) Foundation” Trust and is handling the entire academic and other prospective work of “Sharda Vidya Bhavan Senior Secondary School Project”.

Shaweta Makkar

Academic Head
Project- Blooming Buds Secondary School

Qualification-M.A, Med., PGDCA and done diploma in acupressure healing science (DAT).
Experience- 11years experience as school and Bed college principal i. e. Tiny tots convent school, Vikas international school and RNT college.As the Academic Head of the Abhiyan (Bharat) Foundation , I feel honoured and privileged to be part of an educational institution where i get every day is an opportunity to discover new things. The most important part of education as a process of information is transformation. Transformation means change of vision, change of character, change of behavioral pattern etc, that is the objective of education. Our endeavour is to make education a purposeful, meaningful and enjoyable experience through a wide variety of methods. We ensure students’ involvement in all activities so as to build leadership qualities and a true spirit of community service. Our education ensures the all round development of the students, grooming them into conscientious human beings and good citizens who will, in future, be the agents of social and societal transformation in their workplace and make a difference to society.

S.K. Sharma

Academic Head – Paras Children Academy,
Experience – 15years,4 years teaching experience
Last experience is Prince school sikar.
He belongs to Jhunjhunu, Sikar.

A school plays a crucial role in shaping a child’s future. Not only does this include the provision of education and ensuring learning, but molding the character, morals, and value system of the child as well. A school provides the foundation needed to view the world as a limitless space providing innumerable opportunities to shine.

Shridevi Ram Sunku

Volunteer of ABF

Sridevi Ram Sunku is a volunteer associated with ABF for the past 4 years. She is a thorough professional in education field with an overall teaching experience of 11 years. She is a graduate in child psychology from Madras University, has also got a diploma in Montessori education from India Montessori Training Centre, Bangalore which is one of leading Montessori training institutes of the country. She is also a certified counselor from Banjara Academy, which is a leading psychological counseling institute of Bangalore.
Sridevi has been rendering services to the underprivileged for the past 7 years and prior to this she has worked in two Montessori institutes at Bangalore for close to 4 years. Prior to joining hands with ABF she was teaching blind children in Government Blind School at Koregaon Park, Pune for 3 years. Sridevi is multilingual with fluency in Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, English and Hindi.

Supported by our strong team of dedicated teachers and volunteers